Have you ever found yourself repeatedly turning down your thermostat just to find that your house isn’t getting any cooler? If so, this could be the proper time to get your AC unit checked to see if all is working properly. What exactly should you be looking for to verify that everything is in order? Here are five important tips for checking if your air conditioner is in good shape.
Tip #1: Check the Return & Supply Ducts
Before calling up a professional for help, you might be able to see if your AC is working by analyzing the return and supply ducts. First, you’ll need to find which point is either sucking in air and which is blowing it out. Then, you’ll need to take readings of the temperature after ten minutes for both sides. If your AC is in good condition, the difference between the return and supply duct should be about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. If this isn’t the case, you might need to get your unit fixed.
Tip #2: Look at Your Air Filter
AC units typically need to have their air filters changed every few months to ensure proper and clean airflow. Once you’ve located the vent, simply loosen the grill so that you can substitute the old filter with the new one. Not only is this a convenient way to improve your AC, but it is also the most inexpensive way.
Tip #3: Inspect Your Circuit Breaker
Sometimes the air conditioner might cease its proper functions due to a circuit breaker tripping or having a blown fuse. Make sure to look at yours and see if anything has been shut down. Flipping the breaker back in place might help start the cold air again.
Tip #4: Look at Your Thermostat
If you’ve adjusted your thermostat just to find that the air conditioner isn’t changing the temperature, it could be as simple as a low battery. Be sure to periodically verify that your device isn’t blinking a light or symbol. If this happens often, even after changing batteries, then it could mean you’ll need to replace your thermostat with a new one.
Tip #5: Double-Check Your Blower
Carefully inspect your AC unit to see and hear if the fan is working. In most cases, if you can see and hear the fan moving, then your blower is functioning properly. If not, you’ll want to call a professional for maintenance or repairs.
Keep these tips in mind to confirm whether your AC is working or not. If nothing helps fix the problem, then feel free to contact your local HVAC expert for help so that you can get back to enjoying a comfortable home.
About the Owner
Joe is a talented and reliable HVAC contractor who has many years of experience maintaining and repairing AC units for those in his community. He studied at Gulf Coast State College, earning his Class B HVAC license and becoming certified in A2L and EPA. If you’d like to know more about your AC unit or wish to schedule maintenance, don’t hesitate to visit his website or call him at 850-988-3116.